Hello, wonderful person!
I think it’s important to share that we currently have 3 defined outcomes (processes, flows, etc)
Start a conversation
Complete a conversation
Make a friend
Each of these flows have specific steps you can take, like actions you can perform or words you can say, to move forward and accomplish the outcome for yourself. Once you master these steps, you will master achieving the outcome with almost anyone
In the past 2 weeks, our members have helped test these flows, letting us know how it went using them, and if they got stuck at any point, which we used to fill in the gaps of what was missing, making them complete
We’re looking for more people who want to improve their social skills to test these flows, and share their experiences using them, and how helpful these flows are for them
If you know anyone who’s not confident about their social skills, or may be interested in trying out these flows, then it's free at the moment, so let them know they can join Ugeddit’s Discord!
Let’s do this!